Premis FAD 2024
June 2024

Our project Square and Tourist Office in Piódão won the FAD Award 2024 for City and Landscape.

Prémio Nacional de Arquitetura FORMA 2024 - Espaço Público
May 2024

On May 18th we were awared the FORMA 2023 National Architecture Award - Public Space, for our project Square and Tourist Office in Piódão.

The awards ceremony took place in the Auditorium of the Serralves Museum.

European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024. Emerging Finalist
May 2024

On May 14th, took place in the Barcelona Pavilion, the EU Mies Awards 2024 ceremony.

We received the Emerging Finalist trophy from the hands of the president of the jury, Frédéric Druot.

May 2024

On May 2nd, in front of an audience full of students and colleagues, we gave a lecture on the theme of Housing, within the event “HABIT.AÇÃO! Seminar on Housing Projects and Policies”, integrated into the “More than Housing” program

O que mudavas no RGEU?
April 2024

We have contributed to the 'What Would You Change in RGEU?' exhibition, organized by the University of Porto and hosted at the FAUP exhibition gallery. A moment to share ideas and reflections on the General Regulation of Urban Buildings (RGEU). With the RGEU set to end in June 2026, this exhibition holds particular significance as we collectively contemplate its future

April 2024

Paula del Rio was in Fundão to present the project of the Square and Tourist Office in Piodão, and to discuss in a round table, in the event THE FUTURE IS NOW: REDESIGNING PRIORITIES, a satellite of the New European Bauhaus. With organization of the Portuguese Association of Architects.

Conference Series 'Arquitectura(s) B-SIDE
March 2024

Paula and João gave a lecture on the Tourist and Square Office in Piodao, the first of a series of lectures organized by the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra. Darq, UC, and the Bissaya Barreto Foundation.

EUmies Awards 2024 | Emerging finalists
February 2024

The Square and Tourist Office in Piódão is one of the two Emerging Finalistas for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024.

PRAXIS FA.ULisboa 2023
November 2023

Branco del Rio participated in the 6th PRAXIS conference series, organized by FA.ULisboa - focusing on innovative approaches within the realm of affordable and public housing.

EUmies Awards 2024
October 2023

The Square and Tourist Office in Piódão is nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024.

BigMat Awards 2023
September, 2023

The Square and Tourist Office in Piódão is among the selected works of BigMat Awards 2023.

Build – From High to Low Tech _”Where are we now?”
September, 2023

In the II edition “Where are we now?” of Build – From High to Low Tech, meeting at the Casa da Arquitetura, 7 architects shared their perspective on the sustainability.

From digital fabrication to natural materials, this round table provided discussion around design goals and strategies.

Build Up - From High to Low Tech
July, 2023

Branco del Rio was invited to participate in the Build UP – From High to Low Tech, as a keynote speaker.

In this session, included in the Blended Intensive Program (BIP), the office presented the energetic perspective of the work it has been developing, about “new ways of looking at housing”.

Podcast – No país dos Arquitectos
June, 2023

Branco del Rio are invited to participate in the Podcast – “No País dos Arquitectos”.

[Spotify] [Apple Podcast]

Arquitetura ao Centro
June, 2023

The Square and Office Tourist in Piódão is showcased in the “Arquitetura ao Centro” exhibition and magazine. The “III Fórum Regional de Arquitetura” started with the Arquitetura ao Centro magazine release, recently created publication promoted by OASRC – Secção Regional do Centro da Ordem dos Arquitetos.

Until September, at Casa das Caldeiras, Coimbra, it is possible to visit the exhibition.

Prémios Sustentabilidade e Investigação 2023
June, 2023

Paula del Rio is part of the jury of the Prémios Sustentabilidade e Investigação 2023.

IX Prémios de Arquitectura Ascensores Enor 2023
May, 2023

The Square and Tourist Office in Piódão is among the selected works of IX Prémios de Arquitectura Ascensores Enor 2023.

Tertúlia de Arquitetura “Segundas segundas”
March, 2023

Branco del Rio Arquitectos presented the lecture "Autonomy and Circumstance. Organizing the Matter" at the headquarters of the Portuguese Association of Architects, center region OASRC.

Joaquim Campos Collective Housing | Competition 1st Prize
January, 2023

Branco del Río Arquitectos have just won the Joaquim Campos Collective Housing Competition (3 blocks, 183 apartments), in Setúbal.

Competition promoted by IHRU and supported by OASRS.

Emerging European Practices
November, 2022

Our studio profile is showcased in the book “Emerging European Practices”, recently published by New Generations Media Platform.

“The book presents a selection of 95 studio profiles, a series of short interviews that allow the reader with a closer look at the offices approach, early steps, current work fields, and future challenges.”

Prémio Concreta Under 40
October, 2022

Our workspace has been awarded with an Honorable Mention on the 3rd edition of the Prémio Concreta Under 40.

Rua do Monte Collective Housing | Competition 2nd Prize
July, 2022

In Rua do Monte competition, the 2nd Prize was awarded to the proposal of Branco del Río Arquitectos. The project consists of two buildings, with 100 apartments.

Competition promoted by IHRU and supported by OASRS.

São Francisco Borja Collective Housing | 2nd Prize
April, 2022

Of the 41 proposals submitted the Collective Housing in São Francisco Borja competition, Branco del Rio Arquitectos was classified in 2nd prize. The project consists of three buildings, with 72 apartments.

Competition promoted by IHRU and supported by OASRS.

In Conflict
April, 2022

Branco del Río Arquitectos gave a apresentation about Collective Housing in Alcaniça - Almada, invited by Portuguese Official Representation at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia.

Curated by depA_architects

Premis FAD
April, 2022

Our workspace has been selected on the FAD Awards 2022, interior design category.

Ciclo de Conferências de Arquitetura NAUBI
24 November, 2021

Branco del Río Arquitectos gave a lecture about their work at the Architecture Conference, invited by NAUBI – Núcleo de Estudantes de Arquitetura da Beira Interior.

Three Competitions in Lordelo do Ouro
November, 2021

The proposal we developed together with Paulo Providência for the competition for 3 residential buildings in Lordelo do Ouro, Porto is showcased in the book recently published by Porto municipality.

The proposal comprised the construction of 190 flats in three blocks amidst a wider regeneration of the area.

New Generations Media Platform
November 2020

New Generations Media Platform just published a profile interview of our practice on their website.

"New Generations is a European platform that investigates the changes in the architectural profession ever since the economic crisis of 2008. We analyse the most innovative emerging practices at the European level, providing a new space for the exchange of knowledge and confrontation, theory, and production.

Since 2013, we have involved more than 300 practices from more than 20 European countries in our cultural agenda, such as festivals, exhibitions, open calls, video-interviews, workshops, and experimental formats. We aim to offer a unique space where emerging architects could meet, exchange ideas, get inspired, and collaborate."

Drawing in Design
October 2020

“o desenho das ideias” our contribution to the book “desenhar em projeto. 7 percursos”

coordination Luís Miguel Correia, Teresa Pais

e|d|arq coordination e|d|arq Armando Rabaço, Bruno Gil

Alcaniça Collective Housing | Competition 1st Prize
June 2020

Branco del Río Arquitectos have just won the Alcanica Collective Housing Competition (2 blocks, 28 apartments) in Almada, Lisbon. Competition promoted by IHRU (Instituto da Habitação e Reabilitação Urbana) and supported by OASRS (Ordem dos Atquitetos Região Sul). OASRS website

NU #46 magazine release | Color
October 2019

Paula del Río will have a talk with the students about color on the release of the new magazine NU #46.

Fórum Cidade, Arquitetura e Saúde
September 2019

João Branco, invited by ARC (Arquitetos da região de Coimbra), gave a lecture about the work of the sutdents of Design Workshop II, Darq, FCTUC, led by Paulo Providência.

Students are developing their Master Thesis on the theme of rehabilitation of unused or vacant health buildings, testing possibilities for reuse of these building with adaptation to new health programs and demands.

In this forum, about the possibilities for the new maternity of Coimbra, the works of the students were exhibited.

CASA | Coimbra Architecture Summer Atelier
July 2019

João Branco is invited workshop tutor in the first edition of CASA | Coimbra Architecture Summer Atelier.

João Branco will team up with Paulo Providência on the theme BOUNDARY.

Workshop CuCa_RE | Habitar a Casa do Homem
April 2019

João Branco is tutor on CuCa_RE Design Workshop in Coimbra.

Other tutors are Maximina Almeida, Bernardo Amaral, Daniela Arnaut, José carlos Avelãs Nunes, Jorge Carvalho, Telmo Cruz, Patrícia Ferreira, João Gomes da Silva, Patrícia Miguel, Daniel Neves, Paulo Providência and Armando Rabaça.

Critics are held by José António Bandeirinha and Ana Tostões.

Poster graphic design by Paul Hardman.

Drawing in Design
March 2019

Paula del Río gave a lecture about Drawing in Design to the students of the Darq | FCTUC.

CuCa_RE Cure and Care_the rehabilitation
June 2018

João Branco will be researcher in the research project CuCa_RE, Cure and Care_the rehabilitation.

This project aims to study healthcare buildings built in Portugal in the 20th century and their role in the welfare society policy, approaching future challenges driven by the developments in technology and medicine, and the need to assure a sustainable built environment.

The project is funded by the FCT, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, and is coordinated by IST-ID (Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e o Desenvolvimento) and the Principal Investigator is AnaTostões, IST-ID.

In Coimbra, the project is hosted in CES (Centro de Estudos Sociais) , coordinated by Paulo Providência.

Apart from CES, team partners include  Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde, I.P.;  DireçãoGeral do Património Cultural (DGPC); Docomomo Internacional; Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa.

September 2018

João Branco and Paula del Río are invited tutors on design studios in the DARQ.

Department of Architecture of Coimbra.

Exposição | Anozero, Bienal de Arte Contemporânea de Coimbra | Escola de Coimbra
December 2017

Edifício Redondo is presented at the Exhibition Escola de Coimbra, making part of ANOZERO´17, Bienal of Contemporary Art of Coimbra.

Conferência | Escola de Coimbra
Sep 2017

João Branco and Paula del Río will be lecturing on the Conference Escola de Coimbra.

El País Semanal | Edifício Redondo
August 2017

Last weekend on El País Semanal, Edifício Redondo featured.
Photos by Asier Rua.

Big Mat Award 17' | Finalist | Casa em Janeanes
August 2017

A Casa em Janeanes é finalista do Prémio Europeu BigMat Award 17'.

Concéntrico 03 | Concurso Pabellón | Logroño
March 2017

Competition proposal for the Central Pavillion for Concéntrico 03, Festival de Arquitectura y Diseño de Logroño | Accesit Award.

Apartamentos Na Estefânia | Lisboa
August 2016

Apartamentos na Estefânia domalomenos.

Arquia Próxima 2014-2015 - Futuro Imperfecto
July 2016

The project House in Janeanes and the ephemeral installation En el Túnel para Concéntrico 01. Festival de Arquitectura y Diseño de Logroño, were cataloged on the V Edición del programa bienal arquia/próxima from Fundación Arquia, with the theme futuro imperfecto.

Intervenção en El Túnel Finalista nos Prémios Fad 2016 na Revista on Diseño 361|362
June 2016

A instalação En el Túnel para Concéntrico 01. Festival de Arquitectura y Diseño de Logroño, finalista dos prémios FAD 2016, em destaque na revista ON DISEÑO 361|362.

Casa Das Preguiçosas
Dezember 2015

Publicamos no nosso site as fotografias da Casa das Preguiçosas pelos fotógrafos domalomenos.

Intervenção en El Túnel finalista nos Prémios Fad 2016
May 2016

The intervention En el Túnel for Concéntrico 01. Festival de Arquitectura y Diseño de Logroño is finalist in FAD Awards 2016

FAD webpage

Prémio Work In Progress 2015. Oasrn, This Is Concreta, Arch Valadares
November 2015

O estudio branco-delrio ganhou o primeiro prémio no concurso Work in Progress, organizado pela Ordem dos Arquitetos (OARSN) e a feira This is Concreta. Realizaram uma instalação para a empresa produtora de cerâmica sanitária ARCH Valadares.

Segue um extracto da memória do concurso:

A Valadares carateriza-se pelo controlo da fabricação de peças de qualidade extraordinária. [...] Este sistema, cuja referência é o armazenamento de peças em fábrica, não procura só mostrar a beleza dos diferentes modelos colocados em altura (fora da sua posição habitual) mas também pôr em evidência duas das qualidades fundamentais das peças da marca: precisão e resistência.

Glenn Murcutt Master Class 2015
July 2015

Foi um prazer participar na GMMC 2015, uma experiência inspiradora e inesquecível.

Muito obrigado aos tutores: Glenn Murcutt, Brit Andresen, Richard Leplastrier, Peter Stutchbury e Lindsay Johnston pela sua generosidade ao mostrar-nos a sua arquitetura, a sua terra e a sua forma de ver o mundo.

En El Tunel. Instalación para Concéntrico, 01 Festival De Arquitectura Y Diseño De Logroño.
Apr 1, 2015

"En el túnel" assemblage, video by Eduardo Nascimento.

En el Túnel | Festival de Arquitectura y Diseño de Logroño
Mar 21, 2015

Installation in the Calado de San Gregorio, part of Concéntrico 01 Art and Architecture Festival of Logroño.

The installation confines a fraction of the medieval vault, inside it, space is paradoxically bigger than the whole.

Casa na Serra de Janeanes em Rehabilita 2014
Oct 9, 2014

João Branco was invited to take part on the ReHabilita 2014 congress in Plasencia, Spain, to present House in Serra de Janeanes.

Official ReHabilita 2014 webpage.

Casa na Serra de Janeanes seleccionada nos Prémios Fad 2014
Jun 10, 2014

House in Serra de Janeanes was selected for the FAD Awards 2014.

Project on FAD webpage.

The apartment in Rua De Aveiro featured in Domus Web
Nov 27, 2013

The apartment in Rua de Aveiro was published in the domus website.

The project in domus.

Casa na Serra de Janeanes Featured in Dezeen
August 13, 2013

Design and Architecture webpage dezeen has featured the House in Serra de Janeanes, inlcuding an interview with João Branco and the fantastic photographic work by domalomenos.

Project page on Dezeen

We are also very grateful for the attention provided by europaconcorsi and hic arquitectura.